Faith Inkubators Advent 2024

$99 - Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary

Faith Inkubators Advent Gathers Generations Together. Blends Worship and Education. Connects Church and Home.

Faith Inkubators Advent 2025 will be released later this month.

You can pre-order today and an email will be sent to you when Advent is ready to download.

Faith Inkubators Advent Themes

Annual ADVENT LiCENSE: $99

Faith Inkubators Advent provides a four-week Advent-ure for all ages to meet together and discover the signs pointing to the birth of Jesus.

The weekly theme Scriptures are based on the Revised Common Lectionary texts. A home Advent connection is built in with FAITH5 Home Huddles. The culmination of this Advent-ure is an optional all ages celebration of Jesus’ birth.

Stones Will Shout (Focus for Weeks 1 & 2)

Trust that the God who has held us in the palm of his hand from the beginning will continue to do so. As things around you fall away, you can count on the never-failing words of Jesus to carry you through. This is how the righteous live. Never “knowing” all that God has planned, but “trusting” that God knows what God is doing. Now that’s something to make even the stones shout!

Babes Will Leap (Focus for Weeks 3 & 4)

Anticipation and excitement naturally surround the birth of a child. Yet as the promise made its way through the generations recorded in Holy Scripture, an element of surprise was added to the experience of bearing a child. Ordinary events turn extraordinary when, at the fulfillment of time, God came to us a baby. This grand mystery is the birth of our faith! The birth of hope.

FAITH5 at the Core

Faith Inkubators Advent 2024 features FAITH5, a simple 5-step faith practice that draws us closer to one another and to God.

FAITH5 is the framework for the weekly Small Group Time at church. We then connect church to home through FAITH5 Home Huddles. Everyone is encouraged to gather at home each night with those they love and do the FAITH5 steps together. Modeling these 5 simple steps at church equips everyone to practice faith “Every Week at Church and Every Night in Every Home”.

Advent 2024 includes:

  • PowerPoint® Presentations: Customize your presentation to fit your church’s needs choosing from several teaching options to help each participant grasp key concepts, no matter what age and stage they are in.

  • Skits: Each theme includes three skit options to present the theme in an engaging way. Use children, parents, youth and adults, or even puppets to present the skits.

  • Bible Verse Songs: An NRSV Scripture passage forms the core of each theme, taught in a verbatim Scripture song. This theme song is provided in a karaoke style video in your PowerPoint Presentation. Sheet music for the theme Scripture song is also included.

  • FAITH5 Take-Home Bookmarks: Weekly FAITH5 bookmarks are provided for you to print and send home for the nightly FAITH5 Home Huddle. The bookmarks provide the daily theme related Bible verse for the READ step of FAITH5.

  • Leader’s Guide: This document is a slide-by-slide guide to each PowerPoint Presentation.

  • FAITH5 Small Group Time Handout: This handout is a simple guide for small group engagement through FAITH5.

  • Small Group Theme Arts & Activities: Small groups interpret the theme through these engaging creative options. Bring Scripture to life through more traditional craft and service projects or step out of the box with great options like clown sketches and interpretive movement.

  • Advent-ure Play Script: This script is an outline for an all ages celebration of Jesus’ birth. Use it to plan a Cross+Gen Christmas event or as an alternative to the traditional children’s Christmas program.

Annual Membership Pricing: $99.00