Head to the Heart Confirmation
2024-2025 Membership Year
Head to the Heart Confirmation:
You don’t need a better workbook, you need a better way.
VIDEO: Why choose Head to the Heart Confirmation?
Head to the Heart™ (H2H) is an integrated approach to confirmation ministry. More than a program or curriculum, H2H intersects the head (knowing God’s promised story) and the heart (living God’s story). This intersection is the very center of our baptismal promise.
The H2H faith formation system weaves in critical thinking, a system of care, and creative faith practices while growing connections in Christian community.
The Head to the Heart Confirmation system includes:
A culture of deep student connection and care created in small student peer groups led by trained, committed adult Guides
A comprehensive toolbox of relevant teaching options, allowing you to pick and choose what works best in your unique setting
Learning elements based on adolescent brain development research, including object lessons that teach, engaging PowerPoint visuals, art, music, skits, and game shows
Service, community-building, and learning events built into the confirmation schedule
An authentic relational/experiential model for adolescent faith formation
With Head to the Heart, young people experience meaningful action/reflection, empowering them to live what they learn and stay engaged long after they are confirmed!
Head to the Heart: A Quick Overview
Traditional confirmation programs fail not because they have bad pastors, bad parents, or bad kids. They fail because they keep trying to maintain the same ineffective system. Flashier materials, a flashier youth director or a flashier youth budget aren’t going to change things. Systems-problems demand systems-solutions.
Read More: Classes vs. Community
Traditional Confirmation vs. Head to the Heart Confirmation
One way to think about Christian education and faith formation has to do with lectures, workbooks, tidy chairs all in a row and cramming information in. There’s another way to think about Christian education. It has to do with small peer groups, parent involvement every night in every home, pastoral care, bonding congregational faith communities across generations and drawing faith out.
Read More: Traditional Confirmation vs. Head to the Heart Confirmation
Confirmation Instruction vs. Confirmation Ministry
Head to the Heart Confirmation is designed to blur the lines between youth group and youth education, making confirmation learning fun, while retaining both the information and the kid.
Read More: Head to the Heart: The System
Small Peer Groups for Students are an Essential Feature
In today’s world, kids’ relationships have rapidly evolved from regular face time to FaceTime. According to Monitoring the Future, a national survey of adolescents, the share of high school seniors who gathered with friends in person “almost every day” dropped from 44 percent in 2010 to 32 percent in 2022. Social outings for the typical eighth grader dwindled from about 2 1/2 a week in 2000 to 1 1/2 in 2021. A 2021 study by the Journal of Adolescence found that levels of adolescent loneliness nearly doubled between 2012 and 2018.
Head to the Heart Confirmation stresses Small Peer Groups as a fundamental component of confirmation and faith formation. Each individual Head to the Heart theme/lesson includes a student small group handout to facilitate discussion and reflection of the week’s lesson as well as a separate handout-guide to assist each small group’s adult Guide (leader) lead the discussion.
Read More: The Head to the Heart Confirmation Small Group
It’s Time to Give Parents Back to Their Kids
It is Faith Inkubators’ mission to restore parents as primary faith teachers, mentors, and role models for their own children with the church as reinforcement—not replacement of parents’ role. The family has been, is, and always will be the primary inkubator of faith. It is hard to argue otherwise.
Included Theme Sets and Individual Lessons
CLICK HERE to see a description and list of all 10 Theme Sets and 100+ Lesson Themes included with your annual Head to the Heart license.
Download a free sample of Head to the Heart Confirmation by clicking the purple button above.
What Does Your Annual Head to the Heart Confirmation Membership Include?
Your congregation’s annual H2H membership gives you access to all 100+ PowerPoint-based lessons for one membership year.
While the membership year officially runs from September 1 through August 31 of the following year, H2H resources are released each Spring, giving you the summer months for planning.
The membership license for our current release, Head to the Heart 2024-2025, expires on August 31, 2025.
Your annual Head to the Heart (H2H) membership gives you:
Access to all 100+ themes categorized into nine 10-lesson theme sets, one 5-lesson theme set and two supplemental theme sets.
Of course, no church can use all the lessons in a year. Choose which you’ll use for confirmation and then use others for retreats, camps, Sr. High ministry, even adult education or worship.“Confirmation Promises” — A five-lesson Confirmation Capstone themeset.
Are you looking for a way to connect the ministry of confirmation to the Rite of Confirmation worship? Faith Inkubators has created a 5-lesson set that engages your students in the living, engaging expressions of the five baptismal promises. These capstone lessons provides a practical, outward understanding of what it means to live a life of faith outside the “classroom” and in the world. This theme set can be used on its own as a part of your confirmation scope and sequence, in a retreat setting, or at summer camp. You can also combine the five lessons with other Faith Inkubators offerings like Baptism lessons and Confession/Confirmation/Call to provide a robust 10-lesson set.“QuickPicks” — Are you in a in a time crunch this week? We’ve collected our favorite teaching options from each lesson—we call them QuickPicks—and have assembled them for you in this “grab-and-go” format. An accompanying QuickPicks PowerPoint file that matches these suggestions is also available for each lesson.
Instant digital delivery of the 100+ themes.
Support materials for recruiting and training your confirmation leaders and small group guides.
Support materials for recruiting parents to help support your confirmation program.
Support for pastors, staff and lay leaders to become better educators, leader developers, and community builders.
Each H2H lesson includes:
Pre-built Customizable PowerPoint Presentations containing multiple teaching options including karaoke music videos, fun interactive learning quiz shows, theme scripture verse, cartoons, imaginative prayer journeys, and many other teaching options and ideas. You choose the best options that fit your unique confirmation program.
Printable Leader’s Guide with teaching ideas, instructions and tips for leading the lesson’s PowerPoint presentation.
Printable Handouts for youth, small group Guides, and parents. Print as many copies as you need. Email the handouts in advance. You no longer need to pay for and replace lost workbooks!
Engaging and fun skits to help teach the theme and involve students and parents.
Printable sheet music for the theme Scripture song, providing a live option to the karaoke style music video in the PowerPoint
Promotional Materials to announce each week’s lesson. Hang them in the church or email them to each student/family as a preview of this week’s lesson.
Head to the Heart™ is the best, most integrative, and time-tested adolescent faith-formation resource for achieving the goal of empowering young people to authentically live out their baptismal promises for the sake of the world.
Annual Membership Pricing
Annual membership pricing is set according to your church’s verified average weekly worship attendance (AWWA).
With in-person attendance numbers being affected by Covid in recent years, denomination headquarters have been requesting that churches report verified attendance both on-site (in-person attendance at worship) and online (attendance via streaming or by watching or downloading posted videos). Faith Inkubators considers AWWA a combination of both in-person and on-line attendance.
AWWA* | Price |
1-50 | $129 |
51-100 | $228 |
101-200 | $399 |
201-300 | $598 |
301-400 | $789 |
401-500 | $942 |
501+ | $999 |
*AWWA = Average Weekly Worship Attendance |
You can find more Head to the Heart™ resources using the Confirmation menu at the top of this page.